The 9 Things People Do That Cats Hate

Cats, those mysterious and majestic creatures that share our homes, have their own set of likes and dislikes. Just like humans, they have certain behaviors they find rather irksome. In this article, we’re going to dive into the feline psyche and explore nine things that people often do that cats absolutely hate. From unexpected tummy rubs to thunderous noises, let’s uncover the mysteries behind these furry friends’ pet peeves.

Ignoring Their Space

Imagine if someone kept invading your personal bubble all the time. Well, cats feel the same way! These independent creatures cherish their personal space. That’s why they might hiss or scratch when you try to give them a big bear hug out of the blue. It’s like an acquaintance suddenly engulfing you in a too-tight embrace – not the most comfortable feeling.

Overbearing Affection

While some cats adore being cuddled and petted, others simply aren’t fans of excessive physical attention. Think of it as that moment when someone won’t stop poking you, even though you’ve asked them to stop. Respect your feline friend’s boundaries and let them come to you for affection on their terms.

Startling Stares

Ever felt uncomfortable when someone stared at you intensely? Cats feel the same way. A direct, unblinking stare is like someone giving you an intense, unwavering gaze without any context. Instead, try blinking slowly at your cat; it’s like giving them a friendly wave in human terms.

The Dreaded Car Rides

Cats are creatures of habit, and car rides can be terribly disorienting for them. It’s as if someone put you in a spinning carnival ride after you’ve just had a huge meal. To make car trips less stressful, use a secure carrier and line it with their favorite blanket – it’s like bringing their cozy bedroom along for the ride.

Tummy Troubles

Ah, the tummy rub – a gesture of affection for humans, but a source of discomfort for many cats. Imagine if someone came up and gave your belly a hearty rub without warning. That’s the same uneasy feeling some cats get. If your feline friend loves tummy rubs, consider yourself lucky; if not, focus on scratching behind their ears instead.

Noise Nuisance

Cats have sharp senses, so loud noises can be overwhelming for them. Thunder, the vacuum cleaner, or even overly loud music can be like standing next to speakers at a rock concert – not exactly a peaceful experience. To keep your cat calm, provide a quiet space during noisy times.

Perfume Predicaments

Strong scents, like overpowering perfumes or strong cleaning products, can be a big turn-off for cats. It’s akin to being stuck in an elevator with someone who’s wearing an overly strong cologne. Opt for more subtle scents in your home to keep your feline friend’s sensitive nose happy.

Sudden Moves Scare

Cats are creatures of habit, so sudden movements can spook them. It’s like when you’re deep in thought and someone suddenly taps you on the shoulder – heart-jumping stuff! Try to move around your cat calmly, especially if they’re already on edge.

Wet Fur Woes

Water and cats don’t usually mix well. Bathing a cat can be akin to tossing a human into a pool without warning. Cats tend to groom themselves meticulously, and being drenched is an uncomfortable departure from their routine. If they need a bath, make it as quick and stress-free as possible.


Understanding and respecting your feline friend’s likes and dislikes is crucial for maintaining a harmonious relationship. Just as you appreciate your personal space and dislikes, your cat has its own set of preferences. By being attentive to their cues, avoiding these nine behaviors, and showering them with the right kind of affection, you’ll ensure a happier and more content cat.

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